Ademyr Costa

It was in the 80s that the Modern Art really took his heart and he started a totally new creative strand. He spent hours and hours with the Portuguese Master Francisco Gajo, who introduced him the Porcelain and Ceramic painting techniques. The technique allowed Ademyr to create works of art combining extremely powerful colors, transparency, lightness and also durability for external places. In the last 25 years Ademyr has created more than 70 ceramic murals in public spaces. The achievement reflects his biggest dream and passion that was “bring art to ordinary people.” According to Ademyr “art must have historical value. It has the power to change people lives and it should reach and inspire everyone. From the art specialists to the ordinary people that had a tough day at work and for some reason stop by a mural and find out something about their past, present or future, disconnecting themselves of real life for a moment.”