Inspirational Evening with Orlando Agudelo-Botero
Help Us Grow The Gardens. Learn about the planned renaissance of the Sherman Library and Gardens.
Join us Sunday, November 10th, from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm, Experience Art In The Garden, by Orlando Agudelo-Botero, while tasting Our Lady of Guadalupe wines, by Dave Phinney, sumptuous appetizers and dynamic live music.
Immerse your senses in the natural grandeur of the gardens, while exploring the inspiration and sentiment behind selected masterpieces by artist, philosopher and storyteller, Orlando A.B. In 1988, Orlando A.B. won the White House Hispanic Heritage Award for the Visual Arts.
Proceeds from ticket sales and art purchases will support Sherman Library & Gardens' Grow the Gardens Campaign.
"The Completed works for Romance"
The paintings titled, “Poesía Lyrica”, (Lyrical Poetry)"Portón de la Felicidad” (Gate to Happiness) and “ Romance", are symbolic of the relationship between two human beings, the commitment to loving one another and the achievement of a perfect fusion as they unite their lives and become “One” under the blessing and fortification of a Universal God…
"The Tree Of Life"
I celebrate Life, humanity, our cultural diversity, our individualism and our contribution to one another in“The Tree of Life”… Symbols of the beginning of life represented by two fish, a strong tree trunk formed by what is known to us as "the first society", the family. And the open foliage formed by males and females of all ages; human forms who contribute to society with their individual potential, the power invested in them which in the painting is manifested through their individual multicultural colors.
Celebration of Life
“Celebration of Life” reveals a group of mythological Angels playing a variety of musical instruments as they celebrate and pay homage to the Human spirit at center of the painting!

The painting “Celebration of Life” reveals a group of mythological Angels playing a variety of musical instruments as they celebrate and pay homage to the Human spirit at center of the painting! Ultramarine blue sets the tone for a romantic and enigmatic space in time over, above, and beyond...

I pay tribute to my favorite composers in the painting “Prestissimo”where a violoncellist in the darkness of past and present complex times rides bareback on a determined horse in search of light, all under the benign rain of violins and violoncellos … Music is a resplendent extension of a very organized universe and a gift to the human specie. The healing, romantic, uplifting or melancholic musical notes used by music writers and composers could be interpreted as the brilliant colors of the energy and emotions of life expressed through rhythmical sounds in a vast universe… the presence of God!
"The Offering of Knowledge”...
is a call to everyone of us to be aware of those who's lives have not been given the opportunities of an education, and who as a result, have not gain the knowledge reserved for the more privileged ones … I strongly believe that when you bring light and education to an individual, you are bringing Love to them, the most important and significant gift of all. “As we study our lives, the moments which stand out, are those in which we have done something to help others"

"The Offering of Knowledge”
"The Messenger of Good Will"
"The Messenger of Good Will" speaks of love and of our responsibility to assist others in their quest for light and understanding regardless of gender, race, religion or political ideology,…In the painting, the Messenger brings with him love and lessons of faith, self worth and self empowerment for the community to adopt and to make those concepts an integral part of who they are, or whom they aspire to become.The multitude of human beings surrounding the "Messenger of Good Will" are a vibrant and yet subtle fusion of individuals of all walks of life; all of them with the intent of listening, absorbing and learning; some bring gifts for the Messenger, some play trumpets in jubilation to celebrate his presence and a group of children in choir sing as they welcome the man whom, with his gentle voice, inner peace and wisdom has come to responsibly fulfill his mission and shares his enlightenment with them . Children of a next generation here and still to come, ride white horses in the direction to meet the Prophet. Messenger of Good Will.