Orlando Agudelo-Botero- EMOCIÓN Y LÓGICA (Logic and Emotion) Diptych
“It is quite simple, a very emotional life can lead to chaos. A very logical life can be cold and arid, laking interest and imaginativeness.
The key to true success in life is found in the perfect merging, balance and fusion of both, Logic and Emotion.
Stability, inner peace and happiness, clarity of vision and the level of renewed interest and ideals will follow and potentially, could lead to better frontiers, to fields of new information reserved for those who by nature are in a constant need to evolve, a quest for the understanding of themselves and of life itself.
This painting was created in two separate canvas to emphasize the different space of each while successfully coming together to form one single piece as both merge and find a perfect equilibrium.
A lesson in life’s simplicity and yet complicated by us human beings unaware that the answer is in our realm of who we are and what we wish for ourselves.
‘That which I think, I become. Think well, be well.’” -Orlando Agudelo-Botero